lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Un viajesote gratuito patrocinado por Joe Hisaishi (久石譲)

Atención estimadx lecteur, está usted por encontrarse ante un viaje auditivo a dimensiones a cuya concepción podría no estar acostumbrado, es preciso ser pacientes y pausar el flujo de palabras que habitan en la mente sin caer en un círculo vicioso que nos mantenga pensando que debemos dejar de pensar. Esta es una recopilación de enlaces a videos y un album de música que en lo personal considero maravillosa, obra del autor que creó la música que acompañaría a largometrajes animados tales como "El Viaje de Chihiro", "El Increíble Castillo Vagabundo" o "Mi Vecino Totoro", entre otros,  que tiene como fin el favorecer al descenso del flujo de palabras antes dicho. Esta recopilación es de canciones que forman parte de la banda sonora de producciones documentales japonesas que ahondan en las nociones que tenemos sobre nuestro lugar en el universo, así como de canciones de sus discos solo, tocadas en vivo por él en el piano y por los músicos acompañantes. Ya se imaginarán ustedes que esta música es instrumental y requerirá de mucha atención para que haga aflorar la magia en su mente, pero estoy segura de que Joe Hisaishi la compuso precisamente para lograr en quien lo escuchara un efecto de elevación, y a mi parecer lo hizo excelsamente.

Como este pretende ser un viaje musical, anexo enlaces a trailers al final por si se desea entrar más en ese viaje audio visual. También dejo la liga a un par de discos para escuchar en línea o descargar.

Así que...

... Estimadx hermanx, suba el volumen, cierre los ojos, póngase cómodx, apague absolutamente todo su cuerpo y escuche, no piense.  

Album: Joe Hisaishi Gene, Nhk Special: The Human Body III

(Especial atención en el track 3 "Mysterious Operation" <3)

Click aquí para bajar o escuchar en línea   :)

Eternal Mind 
A Wish to the Moon 
Oriental Wind
Asian Dream Song
The Inners
Mysterious Love 

The Universe Within II Opening 


miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Beyond Samsara. Lotus Flower.

This is a study about meditation and the feeling of wholeness/nothingness that comes along with it. Completely done with watercolors.

While I was trough meditation, I first focused on bringing all the parts of my body together, I felt my chakras beginning to spin at a same speed all aligned as if they were trying to turn on a light at the top of a huge tower (the chakra at the top of my head). After this happened, I came to notice that I wasn't feeling my body any longer, nevertheless I did feel something that I could recognize as myself, some kind of translucent energy, which later I knew was pure light. 

At the exact time I noticed I WAS that light, I completely stopped thinking and felt like entering into an infinite void at maximum speed, all I could see was colors melting into light... then, when I was back in my rational mind, I remembered that LIGHT is actually all the colors mixed and interacting at levels that the human body can't perceive clearly by looking at it directly. 

This kind of feeling showed me that the word "I" is only something to designate a specific point of view located in a specific point in space/time. It showed me the interconnection and unity of all beings and all that exists. It showed me this material world as a matter of perception. This feeling was marvelous; all fear, worries, deception, selfishness, greed, or any egoic issues were absolutely gone. So I could see life as the freedom to choose how to live, and how to feel... an exciting and emotional ride, pure love. Pure Inspiration or divine creativity.

After this experience I continued to practice painting right after meditation until today, and I'll still be doing it for as long as I'm alive in this strange world. Also I felt the need to put it into paper for sharing an experience that could be common to all human beings. I've seen a lot of artwork that contains this kind of matter and it also truly inspired me. I hope it helps activating the imagination of whoever looks at it and the will to experience what really feels like the true nature of everything.

¡Que viva la juventud!